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IPMA World Congress

Dear MA’s, delegates, substitutes and MA presidents/chairs,

I hope you had a wonderful holiday season and getting ready for a promising and challenging new year.

As you may recall on mid-December a newsletter announcement on the 31st IPMA® World Congress to be held from September 30th through October 2nd in Merida Yucatan, Mexico was published. At the same time our Global Marketing and Communications Manager sent to the MAs a package with images and link to the congress web site, in order to include it in your web site to promote and facilitate the registration to the event among your area of responsibility.

I would greatly appreciate your help expediting the inclusion of this information and link as soon as possible:

If you require any assistance on this matter, please do not hesitate to contact Magdalena Gawlak, our Global Marketing and Communications Manager.

Best regards,

Martin Sedlmayer

Vice President Products and Services

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