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Estonian Project Management Association

EPMA is an organization that unites people and businesses who have the same interest - to develop project management in Estonia. Our main goal is to support and promote project management practices, know-hows and values, by our members activities and different educational measures.




  • Projektijuhtide kohvihommikud
    Projektijuhtide kohvihommikud
    Time is TBD
    Location is TBD
    Time is TBD
    Location is TBD
    Kuidas Sul läheb? Me pole juba ammu silmast silma kohtunud. Saame lähemalt tuttavaks, jagame kogemusi ning loome tihedamat võrgustikku. Kohvihommikud toimuvad maikuus esialgu Pärnus ja Tallinnas - registreeru just sinna, kus Sulle sobib - tule siis kui jõuad, lahku siis, kui vaja!


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Business Meeting

Project management frames

Explains how projects are started and finished.

Working Together


EPMA has various workgroups, which are led by competent leaders.

Working from Home


Many of our members are certified project managers (PMP, IPMA C). We support and inspire our project managers to acquire international certificates.

Professional Man Holding a Tablet

Qualification system

Vocational system in Estonia is based on competences and therefore applicant must qualify and certify the competences that are the part of project management qualification system.

Organisation members

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Image by Marvin Meyer

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